Online Courses

Courses with Molly Masaoka


Master Sequencing

(20 hours of Continuing Education Credits recognized by Yoga Alliance)

Known for her masterful approach to sequencing, and her ability to weave a tapestry of alignment focused asana, breath awareness, a deeper understanding of the energy body, philosophy, funky and creative flows, in this course you will learn the importance of smart sequencing and the methodology behind creating intentional practices.

This course is 20 hours and includes:

*6 yoga classes (alignment based flow, mandala vinyasa, therapeutics & restorative yoga)

*7 lectures (dissecting practice, discussion of bus-stops and modifications, and the methodology behind these intentional sequences.

*6 empowerment reviews

*2 Live 30-minute mentor sessions with Molly for comprehension and feedback.

*A great course for the seasoned or novice yoga teacher looking to deepen their awareness of practice or teaching from the lens of sequencing.



Intro to Pranayama & Practice

(2.5 hours)

In this course you will learn the basics of the energy body and a variety of breath practices.

You will also learn techniques for teaching pranayama to others.

This course is 2.5 hours and includes:

*7 short pranayama practices

(Intro to pranayama, 3-part breath, ujjayi, viloma 1 & 2, Nadi Shodana, Chandra & Surya Bhedana & Kapalabhati breath)

*1 hour gentle pranayama practice

*1 live mentor session with Molly

*A great course for anyone looking to learn about the breath, access the energy body and/or incorporate pranayama into practice or teaching



Practice Teach Exercises & basic sanskrit

Art of Vinyasa & Modifications for Vinyasa/Practice Teach Exercises & Using Your Voice (10 hours)

In this course you will learn the principles of vinyasa (movement with breath) learn modifications for sun salutations, get a taste of sanskrit, learn how to use your voice, get simple tips for teaching, and be given a variety of practice teach exercises to get you started or refine your yoga teaching journey.

This course is 8-10 hours with practice teach time and mentor meetings and includes:

*16 videos reviewing what is vinyasa, sanskrit practice, teaching tips and how to free your voice, sun salutation modifications, teaching lateral and sagittal poses, teaching transitions and how to teach the breath in a pose.

*Two 30-minute live mentor calls with Molly

*A great course for anyone wanting to refine their skills as a teacher, or learn the basics of teaching (without taking a 200-hour course), you can expect to gain confidence, have fun, learn a few sequences and be ready to teach a little yoga!



Inversions Workshop

(2 hours)

In this course you will learn the big 4 four inversions and bus-stops and modifications along the way. Truly accessible to all bodies, we will also discuss contraindications and obstacles to inversions. Adho Mukha Vrkasana (handstand) Pincha Mayuransa (forearm stand) Sirsasana (headstand) and salamba sarvangasana (shoulder stand) will be explored. Have a chair, block, two blankets and a strap and get ready to turn your world upside down.

This Course is 2 hours long and includes:

*One two-hour practice breaking down basic inversions and modifications along the way.

*One live 30-minute mentor call with Molly to discuss and/or practice obstacles through inversions.